Spring is here, and you may be feeling tempted to do a wardrobe clear out. I spoke to the team at Hello! Fashion earlier this week on this topic, and wanted to share some tips from my interview with you here!
As the seasons change, it can be really tempting to start buying new pieces that better fit the weather, moving from jumpers and jeans to lighter layers and floatier fabrics.
Unfortunately, doing an annual wardrobe clear out can actually be quite unsustainable, even if you’re selling on your clothes or donating them to charities:
- It’s important to avoid falling into the trap of buying something new, with the intention of selling or donating older pieces. In the UK, fast fashion has us in a chokehold – we buy more clothes each year than any other nation in Europe. It equates to 67 new items per person, per year, and it’s just too much. It’s putting a strain on our planet, and the people who make our clothes.
- According to Traid, more than 20% of our wardrobes are left unworn, so I recommend rediscovering the clothes that may have been hiding at the back of your wardrobe, and give these a revamp. Our bodies and styles do change over time, so put some money aside for getting clothes repaired, altered, or restyled, instead of buying new. I am terrible at sewing, so I take mine to a local tailor, but more power to you if you can do this yourself, or you can find someone to help through services like The Seam or Sojo. This will keep your clothes in circulation, and keep you feeling confident in them too.
- At all costs, try to recognise quick changing trends, and instead go for more timeless pieces you can layer and wear all year round. If you can’t see yourself wearing a piece multiple times, consider renting instead from services like By Rotation or HURR. Read my guide to fashion rental for more tips too!
Happy Spring, and here’s to a more sustainable wardrobe!