Carbon Offsetting With Climate Wise | AD

We all make a carbon impact. Every day, every month, every year. Do you know how to reduce yours, and do carbon offsetting for the rest?

Well, that’s what I’m here to help you with today! I’ve partnered with Climate Wise, an organisation that supports individuals, families, communities, schools, and businesses to offset their unavoidable carbon emissions.

Together, we’ll explain the benefits of carbon offsetting, and how to live more sustainably, in this guide…

What Is Carbon Offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is the practice of funding projects that remove carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere. It’s usually done to negate the damage caused by other activities that release an unavoidable amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Carbon offsetting is the final step in taking a sustainable approach. That could be in your life, within a business, or as a community. It’s impossible to live an impact-free life, so taking a considered approach by reducing your impact, and offsetting the rest, is key.

3 Easy Steps to Carbon Offsetting

Back in April of last year, I set about calculating my carbon emissions so as to know my personal impact on the planet each year. As a conscious citizen, I found I generate less than the UK average – around 6,000 kg of carbon emissions per year – as opposed to the national average of 11,000 kg.

I was able to reach that figure by:

However, I was still making an impact, and wanted to offset it.

This year, I’m choosing to offset my carbon impact through Climate Wise, and I’m following their simple three-step process…

1. Choose Who You’re Carbon Offsetting For

To get started, consider who you want to offset with, and which plan works for you:

As with most actions in the sustainability movement – we’re stronger if we do it together! I look after offsetting myself and my boyfriends’ emissions, but if you’re in a community group, school, or office, why not invite the whole team to join in too?

2. Estimate Your Emissions

Next up, consider how much of an impact you have. If you’re sustainably-minded like me, you may find you can pay less for your offsetting!

Climate Wise has handily estimated the following amounts:

  • £4/month for an average lifestyle
  • £11/month if you travel a lot
  • £19/month if you wish to be a carbon hero!

In my case, I think the £3/month fits my lifestyle, and my boyfriend’s too.

3. Choose How Frequently You Wish To Offset

Finally, decide whether you’d like to make a monthly recurring donation, or a one-off payment.

I prefer to make a one-off annual donation, so ours comes to £72. I used their easy donation form, and just like that, we’re sorted for 2020!

Congratulations! You’re Now Supporting Environmental Projects

Climate Wise lunch box

By carbon offsetting with Climate Wise, you’re helping to fund the following global environmental projects:

I really like how Climate Wise is supporting all of these projects, as together they focus on both social sustainability and environmental stability alike. That’s one of my core philosophies – to treat people and planet in a kinder way. Together, they help to reduce the impact of carbon dioxide, and also support a range of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

And for full transparency, 90% of all net donations received will go directly to these key projects and initiatives which are helping to tackle the climate emergency.

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Climate Wise. All views and opinions expressed remain my own.


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