House Plants & How To Look After Them

It’s time for some more indoor action! One of the nicest things about this extended time at home is that I’ve been able to dedicate myself to caring for my space and plants. I also have a new rubber plant joining the collection (gifted by Leaf Envy), which made for a good excuse to get on my knees and do some repotting.

I’ll be honest – I’m a bit of a dirt bag when it comes to looking after my home. I’m so focused on my work that I’ll put off cleaning until there’s dust bunnies under the bed and I wake up one day and think, “this isn’t ok Besma!”. That said, my boyfriend is such a good partner that he does a lot of cleaning without even mentioning it, and in return I try to cook us big, delicious meals. Additionally during this lockdown, I’ve been making space for him – after years of being together, we both know how important it is to spend time together and time apart.

The point of my rambling is: by staying home, I’ve been able to focus more on looking after myself, my boyfriend, and our space. That includes my clothes, our home furnishings, and now, the plants!

Best Indoor House Plants (In My Experience)

When it comes to indoor house plants, I’ve found that each plant has certain likes and dislikes, and little changes will change how they grow and look quite dramatically.

I also think it’s worth saying that plants do want to grow and live and flourish! Despite my gardening sins (crushing cacti under a fallen photo frame, having my air plant dry out while on holiday, to name but a few), I’ve learned to observe my plants and try to help them out whenever needed.

The easiest and best indoor house plants (in my opinion) are:

  • Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa)
  • Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioide)
  • Mini Elephant Bush (Portulacaria)
  • Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)
  • Cacti
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)
  • Aloe Vera
  • Snake Plants (Sansevieria Seylanica)
  • Spider Plants (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Right now I have all of these in my home collection, save for a snake plant (which is on the wishlist!)

How To Look After House Plants

As I’ve learned through trial and error, all house plants have a preferred lighting position and watering schedule. In all honesty, most aren’t too fussy – they’re only asking for two things!

That said, it can be hard to balance the needs of all plants, especially if you live in a house that experiences different seasons (and therefore, different heating and lighting conditions throughout the year).


For indoor house plants, lighting is a crucial factor to get right. Put a plant in a dark, dreary corner, and watch it droop. At the same time, too much light can also upset plants.

If your home is predominantly filled with artificial lighting, you may wish to go for plants that can stand this – spider plants, Chinese money plants, and snake plants all do well.

At the same time, for those prime sunshine-spots, go for plants that light lots of light: my monstera loves pointing itself towards window!


Watering is similarly tricky – I have a fancy little watering can from IKEA and tend to tip out any leftover water into this across a few days before going round my home and watering my plants. My boyfriend, on the other hand, will use a trusty spray bottle to mist the plants instead. What’s the right solution?

Well, according to Apartment Therapy, both are right (yay!). Watering helps to strengthen the roots and stems, while misting helps the leaves and overall humidity of the plant.

Get To Know Your Plants

For everything else, it’s worth getting to know each of your plants’ preferences.

I’ve found Leaf Envy‘s instructional cards that come with their plants to be incredibly helpful, giving information on the origin of the plant, alongside lighting, watering, and sad plant signs.

If you need help with existing plants, go to Google or the RHS website to look them up.

And for the most part, keep a routine with your plants. Water them weekly, mist them every few days, and keep an eye on them. My time at home has given me an opportunity to provide a little more intensive plant care: I repotted a few plants into bigger pots so they can continue to grow, trimmed off dead leaves, and propped up my rather leggy monstera using bamboo poles. Happy planting!

Disclaimer: This post contains gifted products (denoted 'gifted')


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