Sometimes, I just need comfort food. I know in the past I’ve thought of the phrase as quite a negative thing – especially when I was riding the clean eating train – but there comes a time when you realise the true power of food, and its comfort shouldn’t be demonised.
Food can make us all feel great. Happy. Satisfied. Contented. It’s at the centre of all cultural events – from feasts to buffets, wedding cake to pancakes – and it’s also the fuel that keeps us energised and nourished.
In this case, I’ve been really enjoying cookies. Oat cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and now these spelt cookie balls! One of my flatmates is a baking goddess, and she introduced me to these – alongside her incredible flavoured popcorn too.
Finding balance is really key, so we’ve been using spelt flour for a more fibrous and nutrient-rich cookie dough, and I’ve gone without the dairy too.
Spelt Cookie Balls Recipe
Makes 12
150g unrefined sugar
125ml coconut oil, melted
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
200g spelt flour
1 tsp baking soda
70g dairy-free dark chocolate, broken
70g dairy-free white chocolate, broken
- Preheat your oven to 180 °C
- In a saucepan, melt your coconut oil
- Take off the heat and stir in the sugar
- Beat the egg and stir into the mix
- Add the spelt flour, vanilla extract, and baking soda, and stir together until combined
- Now add in the broken chocolate pieces – the larger they are, the larger the chips!
- With your hands, roll the mix into balls and place onto a baking tray lined with baking parchment
- Bake for 10 minutes, then keep an eye on the balls to make sure they’re not catching
- Remove when golden brown, leaving to cool on a wire rack
- Enjoy!