Resolutions & How To Stick To Them | AD

New Year's Resolutions & How To Stick To Them | Curiously Conscious

We’re just over a week into the New Year, and it got me wondering – are resolutions a good idea?

Every January 1st, I find myself attracted to the idea of reinvention: a new start, a new opportunity to grow and be the person I want to be. With that comes a list of goals, things the ideal me would do. She’d wake up and do 10 minutes of meditation in lotus position, she’d eat a lot less chocolate, and she’d certainly feel good about herself all day, every day.

In reality, I think it’s fair to say that it’s unfair to give ourselves such hurdles without training beforehand. I’m a big advocate of finding balance in all our actions, so it’s only right I apply the same principles to my resolutions.

Intention > Resolution

I’ve decided that rather than give myself absolute, idealist resolutions, it’s better to call them intentions. The word resolution has a somewhat negative connotation – you’re resolving something. Why look back, when you can find ways to build on how good you already are?

By flipping the language on its head, I can reason with myself in a much more balanced way: these are things I would like to do, but I don’t need to feel bad about if I don’t do them!

Finding Balance

Along with my intentions, I’ve decided to break them down into achievable chunks. By finding a balance between my goals and my daily life, I hope to feel a lot more contented!

Meditate daily. This is my main intention for the year, but by adding the word daily into even such a small sentence, there’s instant pressure! Instead, I’m giving myself a 10 minute break each day – whether that’s when I first wake up and sitting in bed, or half way through the day with a cup of tea, it all counts. It’s the first step into doing something more structured, and it feels good.

Eat well. I’m sure this is something a lot of us share – after the holiday break, there’s a yearning to eat more fruit and veg, and certainly less rich foods. I’ve made this goal intentionally vague, so I know I can look back over my meals each day and count the healthy parts as work towards my goal. Small steps such as reducing the amount of sugar in my tea, or switching salty crisps for healthier pea-based Yushoi snacks, are perfect examples.

Travel more. This year I’d like to explore eco travel some more. I’ve already covered a few beautiful places in the UK and abroad – Bath, Crete and Portugal being highlights – and seeing as I work from my laptop, now is the time! It’s a nice final intention to add to the list, as it will naturally add to my year in spades and also give me another challenge to sink my teeth into.

Over to you

Now’s the time to review your plans for 2018 – did you make resolutions of your own? What would you like to do, to achieve, and how can you break it down into day-by-day chunks?

This is my final post in the Yushoi #PerfectBalance series, and it’s been a real pleasure exploring ways to find balance with them. It’s those simple, everyday swaps that can bring us serenity and a better way to live! Head over to their blog for more tips from an array of brilliant bloggers and experts.

This post is sponsored by Yushoi. All views and opinions expressed are my own.


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