As you may have been able to tell, since my summer holiday away I’ve been in a really relaxed, slow life state. It’s been great (other than forgetting how to get ready for work, and all that jazz…)
Now I’m back, it’s time I kick start my Sunday Reads series again. I read a lot while I was away (thanks to a digital detox inspired by off, the first book I’ve listed below) and discovered my love for long-reads again, along with a new favourite glossy. Enjoy!
off. by Tanya Goodin
The first book that inspired my while I was away – scratch that, while I was packing – is off. by Tanya Goodin*. The book is a guide to taking a digital detox, and kept my laptop at home, and my phone at arm’s length, during my vacation. I learnt to enjoy physical activity daily, reconnect with nature (albeit a new, foreign nature that was fascinating and beautiful!) and amazingly, read for long periods of time, something I usually struggle with.
Can’t and Won’t by Lydia Davis
Keeping with the learning-to-read-again theme, I really enjoyed reading the most part of Can’t and Won’t by Lydia Davis*. Lydia’s short stores are a stellar example of flash fiction, a genre that’s built around ultra short stories that can hold anyone’s attention span. It was perfect holiday read, and I caught myself flicking it open whether I had five minutes or fifty minutes, at the airport or on the beach.
Oh Comely
Now to magazines, A slow life favourite of mine, Oh Comely magazine is the British answer to Kinfolk and I love it. The magazine is filled with beautiful, soft photography, satirical lists, and guides to living simply. A highlight in the copy I brought along with me to Crete was their feature on recycled clothing and shopping sustainably, the first time I’ve spotted such a topic in a generalist/independent magazine!
Okay, okay, I’ll hold my hands up; I may have been wooed by Glamour Magazine during their Women of the Year Awards – I had such a brilliant night there alongside W Channel and their bloggers! But since picking up a copy of Glamour, and since another copy of their magazine, I have to say I’m a massive convert. The journalism is sharp, witty and representative, and it talks to young women in a way I’ve enjoyed from online outlets such as The Pool and Refinery 29 that I’d been missing in glossy-form.