My Blueberry Breakfast Smoothie

My Blueberry Breakfast Smoothie

My Blueberry Smoothie Recipe

Last week I read an article about things millennials have “killed“, and breakfast cereal was one of them. I initially laughed but it’s true – the only time I ever eat cereal is at my parents’ home!

My usual breakfast on a weekday is a smoothie. It’s quick to make, tasty, and filling too. This smoothie was one I made last week, and that’s why it’s tucked in the corner of my dressing table – I usually make it and do my make up as a happy little ritual.

Over the years of making smoothies I’ve devised a simple formula to always make a good one:

Frozen banana base + plant-based milk + nut butter + superfood powder = smoothie

This blueberry smoothie is a new addition and may even give my all-time favourite smoothie a run for its money. For the frozen banana base, I ripen bananas and then slice and freeze them, and the blueberries complement them as they’re both sweet and a natural thickener. Also, if you prefer to eat smoothie bowls over smoothies, try adding less milk to my recipe.

Blueberry smoothie

Serves 1

1 banana, sliced and frozen
3 tbsp frozen blueberries (fresh is fine too)
200ml plant-based milk (I use coconut or almond)
1 tsp almond butter
1 tsp maca powder (optional)

  1. In the bottom of your blender jug or Nutribullet, add the banana, plant milk, almond butter and maca powder (in that order to prevent clumps)
  2. Blend until smooth
  3. Enjoy!


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