Breakfast Banana Bread

Vegan banana bread recipe Breakfast banana bread

Despite all the wonderful recipes out there for breakfast, I’m really quite a bore when it comes to my own. I get stuck in a rut, starting the week with a leisurely porridge, and ending on the first item that falls into my hand when I rummage in the cupboard. If you couldn’t already tell, I’m not a morning person.

I’ve decided I’d like to be a little more prepared with my meals than I have been as of late, and breakfast is my first port of call. Over the last seven days I ate banana bread for breakfast, spreading on cashew butter when I had extra time and whisking two slices away in a small tub when I didn’t. The fact that this is something I can prepare the night before and have it last all week is the best kind of breakfast for me, as someone who always gives herself 5 minutes too little time every morning…

Living Lagom with IKEA

This recipe is the first outcome of my involvement on the Live Lagom project with IKEA. The project has been running for seven years, and each year they choose a select number of people to look through their range to find items that will help them live better, be it in a more sustainable way, finding wellbeing, or bringing their family closer together.

As a spritely 24 year-old with a tiny rented apartment and flatmate, this has meant looking to reduce food waste, and improve the efficiency of our home (I could really do with cheaper bills!) In this recipe, I used a few essential IKEA items including their metal knives, chopping board made from sustainably sourced wood, and loaf tin.

So, here’s my recipe for breakfast banana bread, a less sweet version of regular banana bread with flax seed for omegas and chia seed for protein and fibre.

Breakfast banana bread

Serves 5

4 overripe bananas
150g flour
100g ground coconut
20g flax seed meal
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp ground cinnamon

  1. Line your loaf tin with baking parchment (beware of the plastic-lined ones) or smooth coconut oil on the sides and bottom
  2. Preheat your oven at 200°C, 180°C for fan ovens
  3. In a food processor bowl, add all your ingredients
  4. Process until smooth, and feel free to add as much or as little of each ingredient as you like – I’m not sure you can ever make a “bad” banana bread!
  5. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin and put into the oven as soon as it’s hot enough
  6. Bake for 20-30 minutes (you can test to see if your loaf is ready by putting a fork in the bread and it coming out clean)
  7. Leave to cool on a wire rack, and slice each morning fresh!


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