BBC Good Food Show Haul

Here’s what I picked up on my way around BBC Good Food Show London last weekend! While living a sustainable lifestyle definitely advocates a lower rate of consumption, when I say haul I have to stress that I have eaten every one of these delicious treats already… Oops!

To give you a quick overview, the BBC Good Food Show was a showcase for numerous food and drink brands, with events during the three days ranging from taste testing to watching Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood cook up a storm – and I have to say to be in the same room as the lovely Mrs Berry was a dream come true!

On the day, I was happily surprised at how big the healthy eating presence was at the Olympia was, hence my haul exceeding my pre-planned budget somewhat (note to self, mindfulness applies to finances too!) but I couldn’t not pick up some of the above goodies, along with a large falafel wrap for lunch which was really needed. For some reason, these events always wear me out!

So, for the haul itself I have to say that I really enjoyed some of these enough to give them their own review (these will be shared over the course of the next month or so) but here are my overall thoughts:

  • Stoats: Think porridge, but in the tastiest of ways. I actually snaffled down the apple and cinnamon version of their oaty bars before I’d gotten off the train home, and the guys behind these oaty treats were so nice to talk to too!
  • Cru8: If you’re looking for luxury in the world of vegan and paleo temptations, Cru8 is the place to go to. Alongside the almond macaroons I picked up (I have one left in a jar and I’m trying so hard not to go and eat it as I write), they make kale crisps, bread, crackers and more, plus their rebrand is just beautiful.
  • Nurtural World: This family-owned company make some intriguing nut butter mixes, my favourite being their macadamia butter – I’ve never seen it elsewhere but it’s like a less-sweet white chocolate spread.
  • Perk!er: If you’re as quinoa crazy as I am, you should try their quinoa bars – they’re a delicious alternative that I really enjoyed snacking on at work without the guilt of chocolate or sweets.
  • Farrington’s Mellow Yellow: As a vegetarian, finding alternative sources of omegas 3 and 6 are just as important as protein. Farrington’s Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil is one such alternative, and it’s perfect for frying too.
  • Genuine Coconut: The prize for my favourite find at the Good Food Show goes to Genuine Coconut – delivered in the coconut itself, it’s so obviously fresh and organic that the surprising sweetness of the coconut water was a complete bonus too!
  • Emily’s Fruit Crisps: While a little expensive, these fruit crisps are a perfect sweet snack, and their crunch is just so satisfying!
If you went along to the show, I hope you had as good a time as I did – I can’t wait to visit again next year!


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