Are Eggs Really Bad for You?

“Are eggs bad for you?” I asked myself. Hmm… Well, after doing some research, I can proclaim that they’re not. And neither are these two beauties bad for the environment, or for the chickens themselves either.

I know this post is going to be a little controversial for my vegan readers, and on the whole, I’m a big supporter of the vegan diet. A lot of what I eat is “accidentally vegan”, in that I will crowd my meals with veggies and plant-based alternatives. On top of that, I don’t drink milk, and I don’t regularly eat cheese. However, there is an exception to all this: eggs.

I’m going to start with a confession: since turning vegetarian, I’ve always felt a pressure to go vegan, as if it’s naturally the next step. There’s the acceptance of your new healthier and more sustainable outlook, but the feeling that you’re not quite doing enough… However, I have to return to my reasons why I turned vegetarian to really bring to light why I’m sticking with it. First, there’s the treatment of animals; second, the scarily high meat-based diet that society generally promotes, causing all sorts of health issues.

On top of that, my boyfriend recently highlighted to me the importance of knowing where products are sourced, and that’s one of the main conscious living practices for me – staying informed. So when I found out that my local egg supplier is Dinton Farm, I couldn’t have been happier. They provide free-range conservation grade eggs, and the farm actively works with nature, while also giving chickens the real freedom they deserve. It was the trifecta: treatment, sustainability, and health (as I eat probably two egg-based meals a week).

So why do I still feel guilty? I think there’s a fine line when it comes to mindful eating, and while I know I can find plenty of plant-based sources of protein (and I do!), I can still enjoy eggs knowing they have been produced sustainably. So what’s the problem? I think deep down, there’s always been the risk of wanting to pigeonhole my diet. Drawing a little box around my food choices while abstaining from meat, sugar, whatever. But life isn’t like that, and my diet shouldn’t be either.

Really, what I’m trying to say is that there’s a balance between eating healthily, sourcing what you use sustainably, and living happily. I’ve learnt that if I want that cheesy pizza, go for it! But I don’t eat pizza every night. So the same applies here: if I don’t want to drink milk, don’t! But I shouldn’t feel like I have to declare myself a vegan either. Eating flexibly, and listening to my body, are my main priorities. I personally also don’t eat white rice, because it gives me indigestion. Yet there’s no diet out there that rules that out…

And as for the eggs – yes, they’re high in fat, but they’re also a complete protein, and high in iron and vitamin A. If you’re feeling guilty, try and find a local supplier – visit the farm, or phone them up. See what their practices are, because not everyone is Bernard Matthews.


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